Portable Oxygen Concentrator: A New Age Product With Multiple Benefits

Portable Oxygen Concentrators

As your age increases so do the problem in breathing. This can really make you uncomfortable and play with the normal level of oxygen in your blood.  Gone are the days when people used to carry heavy oxygen cylinders to help themselves with their breathing problems. A risky state of affair as it can easily catch fire too causing a risk to your life. To deal with the issues Portable Oxygen Concentrators came into being which is lightweight and easy to carry.

What is Portable Oxygen Concentrators?

 A Portable Oxygen Concentrator is a medical device prescribed to patients with breathing issues. It’s a part of your supplemental oxygen prescription which supports you in increasing the level of oxygen in the blood if you are suffering from respiratory distress. These Oxygen concentrators draw oxygen from the environment to allow you to breathe smoothly. As it is portable it does not restrict your mobility. It can be easily used by simply plug it into an electric socket or by power it charging it.

How Portable Oxygen Machine Works?

It is the simplest device when it comes to working. These concentrators receive air from the environment and after doing the necessary changes distribute the changed air. As air is made up of nitrogen and oxygen, after going onto the concentrator mostly oxygen comes out with a very little amount of nitrogen. The concentrator separates the nitrogen from oxygen to give out the maximum amount of oxygen to the patient.

How Do You Operate A Portable Oxygen Concentrator?

It is a little different in all the units but the operation is somewhat similar in all the POC’s.  To start with it you have to make sure the concentrator is in a well-ventilated area. You need to connect the humidifier if you are using it, make sure the filter is in place. After that connect the mask and see that the tube is unobstructed and not twisted from anywhere. Turn on the machine and just set the oxygen flow as required to enjoy its services.

Who needs Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC)?

OOC can be used by anybody who has difficulty in breathing and does not have enough oxygen in the blood. In the simple process of breathing when we breathe our lungs inhale air and in this way, oxygen enters our blood but there are several medical conditions that complicate the simple process of breathing by dropping the oxygen level in the blood. People suffering from sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, some heart conditions, and even infections may need POC to maintain the oxygen level in the level and for the ease of breathing.

Benefits of Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POC)

  1. Easy to use

It is a user-friendly device that is easy to understand and can be cleaned easily. You just need to plug in an electric socket and you are ready to go. You can also make any adjustments simply by pressing one button on the touchscreen control display. It draws in air from around you the air is then compressed inside the device, nitrogen is filtered out of the air and pure oxygen is inhaled through nasal tube or mask.

  1. Gives you a better night’s sleep

Even in a healthy person’s body, the oxygen levels tend to drop while sleeping but in case you are suffering from any chronic lung disease then you tend to suffer disrupted breathing which can cause trouble in having a sound sleep. To avoid any such health issue it is advisable to use portable oxygen machine which can help you to sleep better.

  1. Mobility

With its lightweight, compact and chic design, it is easy to carry in style. You can take it anywhere effortlessly as it will really simplify your life. You don’t have to think twice before attending a social gathering, going to the office, traveling abroad or even participating in physical activities. These devices are really small, weighing only 6 pounds and one foot in height.

  1. It increases stamina

With the drop in oxygen levels, your energy also drops which can prevent you from performing even the easiest tasks. Normal oxygen levels in your blood provide you with the required stamina to carry out all kinds of work whether household or professional.

  1. Improves the mental alertness

In case of an insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood, the body’s organs get affected and your brain is not an exception in that case. You feel a mental fog and are in a state of confusion when you do not receive proper oxygen. In case you help yourself with the oxygen concentrators you will definitely see the change as it will help keep your brain and other parts of the body healthy.

  1. You lead an independent lifestyle

With oxygen concentrators, you can lead an independent and active life without anybody’s help. These are small devices that can be easily carried anywhere giving you access to lead a normal and healthy life. You can effortlessly take it anywhere without thinking twice as it has a good battery life and in addition to it you can take it to a place that has a plug.

Do Portable Oxygen Concentrators Need Maintenance?

Like other home appliances, you need to make sure to maintain it a little as well. The filters attached to it should be cleaned and replaced regularly. At least once a week the cannula and tubes should be cleaned and at least replaced monthly. It is recommended that you should have a spare cannula and battery when you buy it. A portable oxygen concentrator is easy to use and you can maintain the oxygen level in your blood effortlessly. Make sure you understand the working of it before using it and choose a machine that matches your needs to make your life easier.

RespiKart is a home healthcare company focused on the sale and distribution of respiratory care medical equipment.
We provide CPAP, Bipap, Oxygen concentrators, and ventilators for sale and rental at the lowest price in Delhi/NCR.

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